“All possibilities exist. Focusing on one eliminates the others.”

How do you create the life you want? Is it really about doing these affirmations, vision boards, or even prayers? What is it? How can some people enjoy Tuesday afternoon brunches on sunny patios discussing how to give away money to charity? How can other people work hard every day and live in the endless cycle of debt and never catching up? How is it that others seem to be doing just fine in life traveling, enjoying fine dining and concerts while some are just happy to see that their accounts aren’t overdrawn this month. Is there a secret? There has to be more right? There has to be something missing right? Perhaps there’s something misunderstood. How did a little girl break through poverty in Mississippi to become Oprah? How did a college drop-out become one of the wealthiest people on the planet? How does a skinny kid turned rapper from Philadelphia grow into a box office millionaire? What do they know that so many don’t?
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Abraham Lincoln
Let’s start with you. Let’s take some responsibility for our own lives. The good, the bad and the ugly. Some of us believed what was told to us and perpetuated generations of pain and poverty. Some of us believed what was told to us and perpetuated generations wealth and entitlement. What you expect, you get. Your thoughts about how much you hate paying bills perpetuates more bills for you to hate paying. Your thoughts of watching other people post pictures of vacations in exotic places, will perpetuate more of you watching them post more pictures of them taking more vacations. What gets most of your focus? What do you believe to be true about your life no matter what happened yesterday and no matter what is happening now? Whether you like our current president or not, one thing is true about him; he believed he could be president regardless of his lack of experience in public office and knowing that no one like him has ever been elected. He expected voters to vote for him not because of his past public services, but his business sense. He expected voters to trust his business skills for running the country even with bankruptcies and they did! Think of his polarizing election speeches and how had an unwavering belief that he would win, to many, it seemed as if he was delusional…until he won.
“He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right.” Confucius
Whatever you want, you have to really believe and know you will have it. How do you get this unshakable and unwavering belief? How do you get this incredible amount of knowing? It seems that when you know something so deeply in your gut, others around you begin to believe the same thing about you and adjust themselves to you. Life will always give you what you believe is true about you every single time. It is law! How is it that the abused always meets someone who abuses? The woman who feels less than good enough always meets a cheater. The guy who carries a gun always gets an opportunity to use it. How is it that the poor get poorer and rich get richer? FOCUS + BELIEF = REALITY.
“Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive, god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste. It’s something that truly exists in all of us!” Will Smith
How does this work? Why does this work? Let’s discuss…
Scientific Proof
Quantum Physics – All physical matter is made up of atoms which is made up of smaller particles called electrons which act like waves and particles. Think of waves in the ocean and how many waves you see as you sit there watching. You can’t count them. There are just too many. If you look at waves, you’ll see that there are an infinite amount and so waves represents infinite possibilities. If you think of a carpeted floor and you see pieces of lint scattered around, you can pick them up one at a time. Think of the lint as particles. If you look at a particle, you see that there is one and therefore only one possibility. When an electron is not being observed it acts like waves and there are infinite possibilities and positions (superposition). However, the moment a wave is observed it behaves like a particle. You picked it simply by observation. While there are other particles, your focus on the one to pick up, blurred your vision of the other ones. By looking at it, the wave of infinite possibility collapses and becomes just one position/one possibility. Quantum Physics suggests that the universe is a quantum field of infinite realities full all possible positions and infinite possibilities. As soon as the observer looks at the waves, there appears one possibility. The quantum field transforms to reflect the expectation of the observer. How amazing is that!? In other words, whatever you can imagine exists. Whatever you focus on becomes your reality.
“The Universe conspires to help the dreamer.” Paulo Coelho
“As you FOCUS on that which you want to do, that which we give our energy to, that will begin to multiply. It will begin to expand. It will begin to develop your consciousness and out of that comes your GREATNESS.” Les Brown
Religion says ask and ye shall receive and that you reap what you sew.
Law of Attraction says that what you put out, you receive or thoughts become things.
Understand that you create your own world. Understand that you can’t have an argument with someone unless you were already focused in that space. You can’t make a best friend unless you’re in a trusting and open space. You can’t get into some random argument, meeting, dance-off, or any encounter with anyone without you first being in that space. It’s law. Your focus is your invitation. But that is how great you are! You’re so powerful that you can even can focus your own pain into your reality. If you’re one who hates traffic and constantly complain about it, “check yourself, before you wreck yourself.”
There is truly an incredible Energy Field/ Universe/Jehovah/Allah / God/gods that connects us all. It is because of that connection and power within us all that we call into being others who vibrate with us so that we could love with them, argue with them, giggle with them, collide with them, dance with them, etc.
“One Love, One heart!” Bob Marley
This power is greater than one but equal to the sum and it’s your tool. So why use it with darkness or poisonous thoughts? An old Bon Mot is “Get out of your own way.” In other words, catch yourself in moments of fear, doubt and worry. Change the subject or allow yourself the fantasy and feeling of what it would be like to be you at your greatest.
NOW! What do you want? Who do you want to be? It’s your time right now. Ready…set…FOCUS!
“When you change the way you look at a thing, the thing itself changes.” Wayne Dyer
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I’ve been reflecting on my life and my postion in life for the past few weeks. I’ve always said i will live a life void of regrets, yet im 43 and I’ve put my dreams on hold to be a mother and a provider. I’ve been always passionate about writing a book of poetry, and exploring my creative side that’s has laid dormant for far too long. I’ve become complacent and have come to regret it. Then i look in my email and your words breath new life into. I thank you.
Thank you for your comment Lakeischa!
I believe your reflective thoughts led you here for a reason. I believe that more and more things will show up in your experience and encourage your dreams. I can already tell by your comment that you are a writer as it felt good to read it and so many moms can relate. I’m excited for your writing. I think motherhood will enrich your poetry and this re-awakening is happening in perfect and divine order. Please let me know when you finish your book! I’d love to read it.
BTW – Maya Angelou’s book “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” was released in 1969 – she was 41 years old
Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye” was published when she was 40 years old.
You’re timing is impeccable. WRITE!
Thank you.
Thanks Susie!