“Energy cannot be created or destroyed…” Albert Einstein

-I heard water hit soil asking me to come hither, and I answered this time as there was much to consider.
-I gather gifts, talents and great works that I’ve done, then sit amongst those who conjured me and we become one.
-Back when I was old I used to rest easy, now I’m in the wind between words of poets with rhymes that please me.
-Father is Imhotep and mother Aset bore me, I allow Maat and her 42 principles to lure me.
-I fill the place where there’s no space and time, where love is ever lasting and inhibitions left behind.
-I live where the antiquated is antiquated yet nothing gets old, where only a baby is timid, the rest of us live bold!
For the greats- Bob Marley, Muhammad Ali, Harper Lee, David Bowie, Cheikh Anta Diop, Prince, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Maya Angelou, Freddy Mercury, Kwame Ture, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Langston Hughes, Octavia Butler, Henry James, James Baldwin, Celia Cruz, Robert Frost, El Hajj Malik Shabazz, Albert Einstein, Zora Neale Hurston, Marie Curie, Makeeda Queen of Sheba, Wayne Dyer, John Kennedy Toole, Gene Wilder, Fred Hampton, Patsy Cline, Ralph W. Emerson, dad, auntie, baba, etc.
Who are your greats?