“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Albert Einstein

Some of us have vibrational habits that do not serve us. Vibrational habits or beliefs about ourselves that are a result of things that have been told to us or things that have happened to us as children and have created an emotion in us that we keep perpetuating because we’ve known it for so long. The emotion draws to us people who pick up the same vibe and keep the ball rolling. These emotions are so comfortable that we may even define ourselves by this vibrational habit of thought. We act out the parts just as actors in a play. We get so good at it that others have labeled us because of it. We’re labeled as having low self-esteem, jealous, cold-hearted, a nag, etc. We may have owned it and with our cape blowing on your backs, we say about ourselves, “Damn right, I’m a bitch!” “I’m insecure because…” “I don’t trust a lot of people.”
But I’d like to suggest that you not accept negative descriptions as your truth any more. Learn about your vibrational habits that do not serve you and change your vibration. Pick up a new habit.
One of the best ways to learn about your vibrational habit is in relationships. Bon Mot – “intimate relationships are about dealing with yourself, because every emotional button you’ve ever had will be pushed. Then you watch who you become as a result of all those opportunities to grow.”
Let’s say…
An abused person is so used to abuse that their vibrational habit is one who has an expectation of abuse. An abused person has the posture / vibration of the abused. So law of attraction will give them not what they want, not what they say they want, but it will give them what they think about and what they feel about which is what they fear most, more abuse. So an abused person wonders if there is a sign on their head when they keep meeting abusive mates. Actually there is a vibration that they are giving to abusers whose vibration is on the hunt for someone to abuse. Like magnets, like moths to flames…attraction is inevitable.
Let’s say…
A person who has been left by a parent or left alone a lot feels not good enough. In relationships, they hold on for years and years when they should just let go. They attract the mates who “don’t stay,” who “settles” for them. They attract the one who feels like they are not good enough . Law of Attraction has granted them the mate who will leave as soon as “something better” comes along. The person who has been left “settles” for this person who comes and goes because in their hearts, they are waiting for the loved one to finally return and eventually stay. – Truth is, they have attracted the one who will never stay.
These people and a million others who settle for relationships, jobs, etc. know deep inside that being an a$$hole, a bitch, etc. this is not their truth. You are not a victim. You are not a bitch, jealous or insecure. You are what you were when you came here as a beautiful infant. You are part of infinite intelligence and a reflection of Love. You are so powerful that you allowed yourself to be defined by a moment then called to yourself characters that played roles in the perpetuation of that moment. You are so powerful that you can redefine yourself in this moment. Stop settling just because it’s comfortable and easy. So the experiences have shaped you into the letter I for insecure but you are still a pliable being that is shaped by your thoughts and feelings. Acknowledge that you were once the letter I for insecure and know that with continuous NEW thoughts and feelings, you can shape yourself into the letter T for true love. The one that you’ve been waiting to come and finally stay is the real you. When you show up, the new characters will be a reflection of you. Reject anything that isn’t a reflection of what you truly desire. The way to finally get rid of the abuser is to stop doing it to yourself and be gentle and kind to you. Tell a new story about yourself. Instead of saying you don’t trust people, try, “I am sensitive and I don’t like being hurt. It takes me a while to trust people.” or “I am fearful of someone taking advantage of me, so I put up this strong front that comes off like a bitch, but I’m really a nice person.” Tell yourself your real truth. Put down the negative banners and costumes and… scene! Do these things every day and watch how your world will change.
The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change. -Bill Clinton
Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. -John F. Kennedy
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Wow! Your beautiful post was full of Bon Mots, “Life is Short,” “Time Waits for No One,” “Listen to Your Heart,” “Let the Spirit Guide You,” and “Be Still.” I have a feeling that you will have an amazing story/ testimony soon.