Winter Writes

When the dark grew longer and the gods said to chill, we discovered the scattering weak. Focused minds seize to wonder, thoughtless began to mill, so ends the season for the meek. It is the posture who tells of where you derive, the icy pleasures of which been deprived. Unprepared cannot survive, for this is the time when the great GOAT will thrive! If you can’t stand the weather, let the masters play, run take cover inside! Cower and shrink together, out of the way you should stay, or be the sad subject of deride. M. Writes Welcome, winter.
From Dick Gregory

Richard Claxton Gregory October 12, 1932 – August 19, 2017 (Bon Mots) Where I am from this movement…it gave me a turtle philosophy. I am the turtle. Hard on the outside, soft on the inside and willing to stick my neck out! Poor is a state of mind you never grow out of, but being broke is just a temporary condition. HUH?!? I’m tired of people looking at this election from the standpoint of fear. Fear and God do not occupy the same space. Listen! Love is a man’s natural endowment, but he doesn’t know how to use it. He
Never Get Mad at Someone About THEIR Sh*%t!

I was a little girl and I came home to see my dad sitting on the steps staring at me with curious eyes. “What’s the matter for you?!” (yes, he said it just like I wrote it) “Gretchen won’t let me ride her bike anymore.” I said trying not to cry. I had my own bike. It sat high, it was shiny and bright pink with rainbow ribbons flowing out of the handle bars and sparkles on the seat. However, it was too big and I couldn’t get the hang of riding without assistance. But Gretchen’s bike was just my
“All possibilities exist. Focusing on one eliminates the others.”

How do you create the life you want? Is it really about doing these affirmations, vision boards, or even prayers? What is it? How can some people enjoy Tuesday afternoon brunches on sunny patios discussing how to give away money to charity? How can other people work hard every day and live in the endless cycle of debt and never catching up? How is it that others seem to be doing just fine in life traveling, enjoying fine dining and concerts while some are just happy to see that their accounts aren’t overdrawn this month. Is there a secret? There has
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed…” Albert Einstein

-I heard water hit soil asking me to come hither, and I answered this time as there was much to consider. -I gather gifts, talents and great works that I’ve done, then sit amongst those who conjured me and we become one. -Back when I was old I used to rest easy, now I’m in the wind between words of poets with rhymes that please me. -Father is Imhotep and mother Aset bore me, I allow Maat and her 42 principles to lure me. -I fill the place where there’s no space and time, where love is ever lasting and inhibitions
“There’s No Place Like Home” L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

I had the good fortune to grow up in a neighborhood with true diversity where there was no saturation of one type of people. Without a predominate group to which we needed to assimilate, I was allowed and encouraged to be who I wanted to be. My mom is pretty laid back and is one of the most accepting people I’ve ever known. She gave me the gift of “let go” and trust. My dad was a rebel in spirit. He told me things that allowed me to not feel like I had to conform to any expectation that I
“Everything is about the way you feel about it .” Abraham Hicks

So there is the belief that you are what you think about. It is true. Your constant thought about a particular thing brings that thing into your experience. So people take pictures of things they desire and stick it on their refrigerator and desks at work. These images assist in the constant view and reminder to focus on what you want so that it will manifest in your experience. People even have vision board parties, there are YouTube channels, books, and webinars to help you keep thinking about your desires. Yet there is one important missing piece…it’s even more powerful
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Albert Einstein

Some of us have vibrational habits that do not serve us. Vibrational habits or beliefs about ourselves that are a result of things that have been told to us or things that have happened to us as children and have created an emotion in us that we keep perpetuating because we’ve known it for so long. The emotion draws to us people who pick up the same vibe and keep the ball rolling. These emotions are so comfortable that we may even define ourselves by this vibrational habit of thought. We act out the parts just as actors in a play.