I WROTE A BOOK! It’s awesome, it’s a page-turner and it’s JUICY! Will you support me and share it on your pages?? Link below: “Supporting another person’s success won’t ever damper yours.” – Anonymus “Support your friend’s business and progression like you support the celebrities that you actually don’t know.” “When you support handmade you are not just supporting a person, small business, family, our economy; you are purchasing a small part of an artist’s heart.” – Anonymus “Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” Misty Copeland “You

Brotherhood. Obsession. Loyalty. Murder. Family ties test the fraternal brotherhood of four friends who have stayed close since their college years. As they mature into marriages and career, life tugs away at their friendships uncover dark secrets and expose true character. Wildly entangled are the women in their lives who take the front seat to their friendship. Can these brothers retake the reign and maintain their brotherhood?

“The best thing you can do for a person is to inspire them. That’s the best currency you can offer: inspiration. So, when a person can rely on you for that, that empowers them in every realm of their life. Being inspired. It empowers them in their relationships, in their business, in their art, in their creativity. It empowers them because without inspiration, you’re dry.” “Before rap my last name was my lifestyle, and when I visualize success it looked like right now.” “I feel good about what I’m waking up doing and about my lifestyle. At one point, I

What if God IS all of us? What if “In the beginning…” God was a consciousness that realized Himself in darkness/meditation, called upon light as well as a desire for experiences, knowledge, love, etc., then divided himself/exploded into all of us? What if that was the Big Bang? Could we be the result of the Big Bang to fulfil the desire to experience life in many ways, many realities, within and beyond time? What if we too can call on the Light within ourselves and create our circumstances with thought, belief and an unwavering knowing? What if in dark times and moments
ARETHA! Her words of witticisms.

“Being the queen is not all about singing, and being a diva is not all about singing. It has much to do with your service to people.” “The love of my life? I’m much too young to answer that question.” “Soul is a constant. It’s cultural. It’s always going to be there, in different flavors and degrees.” “If you want a do-right-all-day woman. You’ve got to be a do-right-all-night man.” “Oh, one of these mornings, the chain is gonna break.” “I sing to realists. People who accept it like it is.” “Hard, cold and cruel is a man who paid
“Man Trapper” Preview – Chapter 12

Available on Amazon! – Click below to purchase! Read below for a sample chapter and recipe. Enjoy! CHEATER, CHEATER PUMPKIN EATER Cheating is devastating. There are so many emotions, such as sadness, pain, and humiliation. It is draining and can conjure up insecurities, blame, and shame. If it happened or you’re afraid it’s happening, then take a moment and breathe. Anger and panic often end in drastic responses that are later regrets. This may not be easy and it opposes many other beliefs and blame of him cheating, but look at you. Observe how you’ve been treating you. Have
A Good One

My dear friend Sarah Kate and I go back like ice cream soda and ginger-ale pop. We were lucky kindred spirits in that we were both devilish and found friendship early in our lives. We both loved to dig up bugs out of the dirt and toss them on each other. We both were bored with the princesses in fairytales and would cheer on the villains. The wicked witches were actually our heroines. In all of our naughtiness, we rationalized the behavior because we were doing so to avenge the wonderful witches that were always ruined at the end of
“A man who has no imagination has no wings.” M. Ali

“I know where I’m going and I know the truth, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want.” “I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” “If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.” “Rumble young man rumble!” “If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.” “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” “It’s hard to be humble when you’re as great as I
“You’re so much better than you know.”

“If someone has to lose, I don’t want to play.” “I suppose I could just walk away. Will I disappoint my future if I stay?” “You came along when I needed a savior, someone to pull me through somehow.” “I won’t pretend I’m good at forgiving…though I can’t hate you, though I have tried.” “Your ruling the way that I move. And I breathe your air.” “I knew you were the one for me. I swear the whole world could hear my heart beat…” “You show me how deep love could be…” “When you’re lost, your alone and can’t get
Miles Apart

I fall in love too easily, and still, I haven’t learned. It’s not like I haven’t traveled this path but oh the Heart still yearned. Heart versus Mind… I hate it when they fight! It’s always bloody and deadly before these two unite. I fall in love too easily, and still, I haven’t learned. It’s not like I can’t see the scars from before when I was burned. “Dammit!” Says the Mind when the Heart begins to steer. The Heart is a known bad driver, Mind still rides, but holds on in clutching fear. I fall in love too easily,